What’s so special about the Bialetti Tuttocrema Milk Frother? It’s an easy and portable way to get frothed milk, anytime and anyplace. Whether you’d like your milk frothy and creamy, or more of a velvety texture, the Tuttocrema is capable of producing both. Today we are taking a look at the Bialetti Tuttocrema Milk Frother and how exactly to use it. Using the Tuttocrema is a great way to produce a rich creamy frothed milk for cappuccinos, flat whites, and lattes and we have discovered it will work well with most milk alternatives as well like soy milk or almond milk.
Watch this video for a step-by-step guide on how to use the Bialetti Tuttocrema Milk Frother:
How Does The Bialetti Tuttocrema Milk Frother Work?
The Tuttocrema milk frother has a one-liter capacity to it (6 cups) and it is made from aluminum with a smooth matte black finish on the outside and a non-stick Teflon coating on the inside which keeps the milk from cementing to the inner walls of the frother and ensures an easy clean.

The Bialetti Tuttocrema has a patented double screen that’s the most important part of this milk frother. When you pump the handle back and forth, a silicone edge makes a seal that allows all the milk to pass through these dual screens. With high quality Italian manufacturing and design behind this mesh screen, the Tuttocrema is able to promise more consistently-frothed and creamier milk textures than similar milk frothers.
One other nifty addition to the Tuttocrema – Bialetti's addition of a heatproof handle so you’ll be able to hold and pour your milk safely. Great attention to detail as always when it comes to Italian craftmanship. We share tips and instructions for frothing milk and cleaning in the following article, so read on for the full details of exactly how to use this sleek milk frother!

Instructions: How To Use The Bialetti Tuttocrema Milk Frother
- To use the Tuttocrema, simply add your milk and it works just as well for cold as hot milk. You’ll also be able to froth most other milk alternatives such as soy, almond and not just cow’s milk. The ideal milk temperature for hot is 65°C and you can achieve this with warmed up milk in the microwave for thirty to fifty seconds on high in a separate container or by placing the Tuttocrema on a gas ceramic or electric stove top which makes this a travel-ready milk frother.
- To get that extra texture in your milk, you just want to pump the handle on top of the Tuttocrema ten to twenty times at a steady rate. It is that double mesh filter that does a fine job at aerating the milk and that’s exactly what’s so special about this milk frother.
- Once finished frothing, just give the milk a gentle swirl in the Tuttocrema and perhaps bang the jug down gently on the bench to remove any large bubbles.
- With one more quick swirl, you're good to serve. The handle on the Tuttocrema is heat resistant, so you never have to worry about burning your hands when the frother is hot.
How To Clean The Bialetti Tuttocrema Milk Frother
Cleanup is as good as a rinse and a wipeout to go again or store it away for next time and that is the Bialetti Tuttocrema for you. It is an essential milk frother that works really well with any milk. You can place it on the stove and it is durable enough to take camping. What’s really special about the Tuttocrema is its non-stick inner Teflon coat that stops milk from crusting on the inside.

The Bialetti brand is known for their love of practical coffee makers and accessories and they’ve specially designed this no-fuss milk frother exactly in line with their brand values of simplicity and Italian quality products. This milk frother is also wire-free and compatible with gas, electric and ceramic stoves so it’s easy to pack with you whether you’re heading to a hotel or into the wilderness, and at a weight of 480g, it’s simple enough to chuck in your carry-on or backpack.
If you have any questions on the Bialetti Tuttocrema, send us an e-mail and we will get straight back to you. If you love the Bialetta Tuttocrema, we think you’ll like our review of the Bialetti Kremina Espresso Maker and Milk Frother.