What makes the perfect espresso drink? Some say it’s the perfect texture, others say it’s the ideal temperature, but most coffee aficionados know that the key to the perfect espresso drink is beautifully foamed or frothed milk. With some practice, anyone can become a professional espresso and frothed drink maker. No need to frequent your local cafe for the perfect cappuccino, macchiato, tea latte, or espresso, this article has some great advice on how to make the perfect drink with beautifully frothed milk from the comfort of your home.
We’ve compiled some suggestions for our favorite espresso machines and milk frothers with affordability and features in mind. Frothing the perfect espresso drink can be a straightforward and simple project when using an espresso machine with a milk frother, and identifying the perfect machine for you will bring professional quality frothed drinks to the comfort of your home.
No need to give yourself a headache trying to figure out how to make a coffee latte. If you are wondering how to froth milk for coffee, or, how to froth milk from home, check out our step by step guide on finding the perfect espresso machine and using it to create the ideal frothed drink.
How To Froth Milk Properly

Frothing milk with an espresso machine can be super easy. Many modern machines (especially automatic machines) come with a steam wand positioned on the side of the machine. Some people may wonder how to make frothy milk with a steam wand. The steam wand works by forcing steam into the milk and gently applying pressure and warmth. The wand adds air to the milk which causes the delectable frothy sensation.
When frothing, drink makers may also need a small metal pitcher. Milk frothing pitchers are available with some advanced espresso machines, or they can be found in stores that sell accessories for espresso machines. Milk frothing pitchers are made to work perfectly with a milk steamer wand, and they offer additional control for the steam wand.
Achieving the perfect coffee froth may vary based on drink size and preference. Directions may vary based on the drink, but by gaining a basic understanding of a consistent technique, you will be able to figure out the steps for making your ideal espresso. We have included a step by step guide to successfully creating the ideal, delicious, well-frothed drink for you and your guests. This is the barista method. It is is used by many skilled coffee maker professionals and it’s the perfect step by step guide to learning how to froth milk with a steam wand.
Choosing Your Milk Frothing Machine
Before beginning to figure out how to make a cappuccino, and before you begin frothing milk, you’ll need to consider what type of machine you would like to purchase to create your perfect drink. Throughout this article, we’ll mention some of our favorite coffee machines and some of the best methods of texturizing milk. Need more information on automatic coffee machines? See our guide on how to pick the best automatic coffee machine for your home.

For starters, the Cafello Tutto Coffee Machine is a great option for creating a delicious milk foam drink. The all in one machine foams like a stovetop milk foamer and acts as an efficient coffee grinder. The Cafello is recommended for bars and restaurants. Known for its seamless use and custom design, Cafello stands out on the market because of it's automated the tamping process and it’s a touchscreen display. The Cafello is equipped with a hot water outlet and a steam wand, it's a great option if you’re wondering how to make foam.
On the other hand, The Bezzera BZ10 is perfect for a household. The machine is perfect for an average-sized kitchen or even very small spaces. The 1.5L heat exchanger boiler is perfect for creating lots of steam, it allows you to brew coffee and froth milk at the same time. The Bezzera has a unique stainless steel design that can complement any kitchen. When purchasing your machine, think of your needs, are you supplying a restaurant or a kitchen? Are you looking for something that includes a handheld milk frother for specialty drinks, like cappuccinos and espressos?

Click Here for Bezzera Coffee Machine
If you’re looking for value you may want to consider the Nuova Simonelli Oscar II. The Nuova is known as one of the best value for your dollar. This may be the perfect frothing machine equipped with a 58mm group head and a 2L copper heat exchanger boiler and a lever-operated steam wand.
In order to begin creating your coffee foam, you will need to start with a ½ cup of milk. Be sure to use cold milk for the best results, also adjust the amount of milk used to match what you would like to add to your drink. You will also need your metal milk frothing pitcher for the best results.
Step 1. Begin by pouring a fresh batch of cold milk into your milk frothing pitcher. Feel free to use whatever type of milk-based on your preference, keep in mind that some types may provide a different milk texture for your frothy coffee.
Step 2. Time to prepare your milk frother machine. Engage the steam wand located on the side of your espresso machine. Soon you will be enjoying delicious frothy steamed milk.
Step 3. Remember, the steam wand is your milk steamer frother. With the steam wand, you’ll be able to create the perfect steamed milk. Place the steam wand into the metal pitcher of milk. Allow the wand to remain just below the surface. Your steam wand is the key of how to steam milk.
Step 4. One of the keys of how to make a latte is the stirring. Place the steam wand near the side of the metal pitcher of milk. Use the wand to stir and create a vortex in your cup of milk.
Step 5. Pick up your metal pitcher and shift it to elevate the steam wand, or move it lower or away from the edge, the point is to bring air into the milk and reduce large bubbles making them smaller.
Step 6. Check your mixture. The mixture should have begun to froth and increased in size. You can measure your mixture size using a latte vs cappuccino system. Your mixture should be approximately double the volume of a cappuccino and about ½ the size of a latte. Once your mixture has reached the ideal size, remove the steam wand (or milk frother) from the metal pitcher.
Step 7. When the frothing process is in action, you’ll notice that the texture of the milk is very smooth. The milk should not be pixelated or grainy. The mixture should resemble melted ice cream.
Step 8. Quickly pour the foamed milk from your milk steamer into your coffee, cappuccino, or drink of choice. Leave a little bit of milk in the pitcher. Feel free to get creative at this point and research some ways of creating latte art.
If you’re looking for some of the best results when searching for a coffee frother, you may want to consider the Rancilio Silvia V5 Coffee Machine, this machine. The Rancilio has an easy control panel which creates a simple and easy usage process, perfect for beginner frothers. The frothing process is enhanced with the Rancilio Silvia, it includes a steam wand which is super flexible with bending power that steams milk from almost any position. The Rancilio stands out on the market because of its affordable price, it is the perfect answer to the question of how to froth milk properly.
Get Frothy Milk With The Bellman Steamer
The ideal steamer for home and on-the-go is the Bellman Espresso Steamer. The steamer will keep you equipped with freshly steamed coffee milk at your disposal. The Bellman steamer is the perfect tool to use if you are a beginner milk foamer. Use the steamer with gas, ceramic, electric and most stovetops. We have included some basic steps explaining how to create the perfect frothed beverage using the Bellman Steamer.
Click Here for Bellman Stovetop Steamer
Step 1. Fill your steamer approximately ½ way with water and shut the lid. Place the heat on high and begin creating your beverage.
Step 2. Listen for the sound of steam releasing from the valve of your Bellman steamer machine. Once your steam begins to release, begin to turn the knob to allow pressures to release and turn off the machine.
Step 3. Pick up the steam wand and place it into your milk and begin steaming (turn on the steamer.)
Step 4. Use the tip of the wand to activate the surface of the milk for about 4 seconds and plunge the wand halfway into the milk. Shift the metal pitcher to create a swirling pattern in the milk.
Step 5. Allow the milk to reach approximately 60 degrees Celsius. Next, shut off your steamer. Be sure to always clean the wand after use.
Step 6. Choose your beverage of choice and put your deliciously smooth, well-frothed milk in and enjoy.
The pros of the Bellman are its portability and durability. The device is built with stainless steel and bakelite. If you’re looking for a larger machine to use in a restaurant or professional space, you may want to consider the Bellman Stovetop Steamer. The steamer is known to create a delectable cafe-style steamed milk drink. When you ask about the frothing meaning, you are asking about a machine like the Bellman Stovetop Steamer, the steamer features a double nozzle wand that is specially designed to create the ideal delicious, creamy, and silky milk. The Bellman steamer is also super affordable and it works on any stovetop. The steamer is at top value with durable construction and a practical pressure release valve.
Froth Milk On A Budget

Click Here for Quick Mill Pippa Coffee Machine
Cafe-style coffee may be more affordable than you think. There are several brands on the markets that sell durable machines that include steam wands for frothing. If you’re looking to froth milk on a budget we’ve got some suggestions for you.
The Cafello Tutto Junior is a mini version of the Tutto. The small-sized machine offers all of the favorite features of a traditional sized Tutto machine and it is perfect for use at home. The Tutto junior is most valued for its ability to create delicious creamy espresso shots. Frothing is easy with the Tutto Junior’s milk steam wand which provides the ideal texture for frothy milk. The Tutto includes an easy use touch screen monitor and it is available on sale now!
Another great option for budget milk foaming is the Quick Mill Pippa. The Pippa features a lovely stainless steel body and an affordable price. The machine is easy to use and it's a perfect choice for frothing milk.
Click Here for Ascaso Basic Coffee Machine
The Ascaso Basic is great for beginner baristas. At an affordable price, coffee makers can brew an excellent coffee with a machine made of heat resistant plastic. The Ascaso is especially known for durability and its powerful steam wand that is known to make the ideal frothed milk. The machine also comes with a cup warmer and 2L water tank all for an affordable price.
Shopping for a milk steamer on a budget is great, especially for beginner baristas. There are several affordable machines that include effective steam wands that produce the perfect steamed milk. If you’re looking for a more enhanced experience that could be used in a restaurant or a cafe setting, you may want to consider investing in a machine with more advanced features.
Creating the ideal frothed milk for coffee is easier than you may think. Head over to Alternative Brewing for the best selection of espresso machines that feature some of the best steam wands in the industry.
Enjoyed this post? Learn more about the differences between a cappuccino vs latte vs. macchiato when it comes to using your frothed milk to make delicious coffee drinks.